Thursday, February 19, 2009

Look forward with me

I proposed to A recently, and she has been completely unable to think or speak properly ever since. She is telling everyone (of course) and making a monstrous deal out of it (of course). I'm happy to let her feel and act as she has been, as long as I can laugh at her with her blessing once in a while.

The reaction has been overall favorable, with a few "It's about time!" comments thrown in, which is to be expected. What wasn't expected is the 2 responses from my mom and sister saying they didn't think I was ready for marriage. I understand completely that they are worried about us getting pregnant and not having the means to support a family, but let's think about the situation.

A) We have been living together for over 2 years with no attempts at preventing pregnancy. We haven't been trying to get pregnant, but we also have not used any means of birth control.

B) We have been dating for over 9 years, 5 of those without prevention. One of us may be broken...

C) We are not even planning to get married for at least a year. That means plenty of time to save money.

So why would me being ready be an issue? We love each other, and are already 100% committed, so why not just accept that we will be getting married eventually? She is a part of the family in spirit, let's make it in name too. That is what the marriage means to me, more than anything else.

I know, typical guy apathy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

And Sweet

I'll keep it short today. I plan to spend more time improving myself. I also plan to have fun doing it. If I fail I will try again, using different methods.

When I succeed I'll be a total hottie. Grats to A.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am a person. I have 2 arms, 2 legs, 98% of my fingers and toes (road rash incident took the 2%), and a big nose.

I care about the things I care about, and get frustrated at the things that frustrate me. I enjoy things that are enjoyable, and don't enjoy anything else.

I have a family and they have me. We define each other, at least to some degree.

I was born and will one day die. In between I'll get stuff, get stuff taken away, get sick, and get a sandwich.

I like art, music, and the written word. Unless I don't like them. I like sports, both to play and to watch. Unless they don't appeal to me.

I can use my senses, as long as they are functioning properly. If they aren't I do without.

I am just another part of the human race.

But I have a badass ankylosaurus and you don't. HA!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Abbreviating life

So... have you ever noticed just how often you see ellipses used in lieu of periods? it's rampant in forums, game chat, chatrooms... it's a sign of something, but i'll be damned if i know what it is... probably awesomeness... that's right, i'm one of them... i'm not omitting anything or trailing off when i add the ellipses, it just feels wrong to use actual grammar when i don't want to bother capitalizing, etc...

Acronyms are all over, also. Everyone with access to TV, cell phones, internet, billboards, little sisters, wish-I-were-still-cool mom's, and any other form of anything knows "lol" (laugh[ing] out loud, to those of you who think it's just a word). Smileys fit in here also, as they are acronymous emotions =P. There are hundreds of less common ones: rofl, wtf, stfu, ily, etc. Numbers and single letters instead of words are common 2. U R likely 2 see them used in texts, especially since they save a couple characters, limiting your chance of going over 160. All of these I try to avoid. They are making me a grumpy old fart when I'm not even 30 yet. I don't like to read words that aren't words, nor do I like to read numbers when I'm not doing some sort of counting. I won't hold it against you if you use them, but there's a good chance I'll zone out and "uh huh" through a conversation. Control C is my favorite!

I can't speak for anyone but myself (yet, the control-the-world plan still has some bugs), but I feel that the world would be a happier place if the people in it would take the time to use language as more than a means to rush conversation. Words can be beautiful when put together well, so let's combine them.

As long as the combination is "crazy monkey banana goodness."

Monday, January 19, 2009


Not Monty Python's Flying Circus, unfortunately. Just a person heavily influenced in most aspects of life by them. After my first post of "the world: a mobile view*" I decided to avoid being so serious, just as soon as I set this thing up.

It's great how often some random people you will never talk to can be the most entertaining part of your day/month/year. Some friends and I, after a delicious dinner of breakfast, were waiting at a stoplight to turn right. Maybe a half mile in the direction we needed to go was a special event going on where people from a church were putting on a "performance" in which the scenes of Jesus's life are portrayed by living statues that, strangely, moved often but in small amounts. Anyway, this event is a citywide known thing, and draws big crowds. The lane closest to us was where they were lining up in their big stupid cars (mostly moms in SUVs), waiting to see this stuff. Here in CA, as I'm sure it is in most, if not all, other states, it is illegal to block an intersection for any reason other than Complete Vehicular Meltdown. And if CVM is the problem, you damn well better start pushin' your crap into the nearest non-road location.

These people felt they were above the law because they were waiting for Jesus. Whatever, they're lame, but that's not the good part. The good part is this: a typical mid-upper class soccer mom in her ugly Suburban is blocking us completely, the car behind her blocking our only possible escape route if we were to make a 19 point turn. A guy in the lane next to her signals to get in front of her to avoid blocking even more traffic. She gets furious and starts screaming out her window at him about blahblahblah and stuff. At one point she actually says "This is not God's way!" All I have to say to that is WAHAHAHA. First, who actually says that thinking it will have an impact on a stranger? Second, if trying to get in front of someone is not God's way, then what does that make 1) blocking people, 2) yelling at strangers for trying not to block people by costing you about five extra seconds, and 3) thinking you have any right to call someone else's actions worse than your own?

Actually, that last one is kinda God's way, seeing as he's the judge. Again, whatever...

I tell you what, that little exchange was hilarious in itself, but add how we reacted and you get a life-changing moment of epic proportions. In the car was me, A, GG, and C. GG opened her window and yelled out (after the festivities subsided to grumbles) "This is not God's way!" and the lady looked over at us as if we were suddenly created out of nothing but a banana and a couple phillips screwdrivers. We were, of course, cackling like... things that cackle? Right. Then C, who was driving, floored it and covered 8 feet in about .0064 seconds. This caused crazy-lady to jump 3 feet, and -- I swear this happened -- hit her head on the roof of her car. Also, the lady in the car behind her saw it and had an expression on her face that I general take to mean "Holy crap, I am getting killed by being repeatedly pooped upon by a rabid baby!" For those of you unfamiliar, that means not just horrible and painful, but reeeeally embarassing.

Of course, her embarassment probably came from her own foolishness in blocking us. I'm ok with that.

* Not the actual title, just a description. If you don't like it you can not like it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Not just God

Things often frustrate for no immediately obvious reason, but things also delight for completely unexpected reasons. When either of these things happen, the mystery of everything becomes clear: everything is a mystery, and it is supposed to be that way. It's what makes life enjoyable.

Happiness and contentment are noble goals, and should be achieved by all in a fair and good world, but this life is neither of those things. It is a tempestuous haven of majesty and horror, and pain is a crucial part of that. But after the pain, joy can be seen as better than ever with or without happiness and contentment. And without joy pain serves no purpose, which means that, while pain is crucial, joy is necessary. Joy is life.

All this, while a fairly evident truth in my opinion, does not mean happiness and contentment are needed to enjoy life. All you need is to accept that things are mysterious and always will be, and find a reason to convey that mystery into love. Of anything. Love your chick/dude. Love your car. Love your luscious 5-string bass. Love your time spent reading. Love your family no matter what!

And above all, love your fellow man, because one day he might have your life in his hands.